Declaration and Acknowledgement of Funding Agencies

Manuscript accepted and published with SINERGI must provide detailed information if any part of the information included in a submitted manuscript for the peer review is funded by any funding bodies or subject to specific/partial restrictions as issued by the funder or grant bodies. The author(s) must communicate and inform the Editor-in-Chief to ensure a degree of transparency and ethical assurance of the submitted manuscript has been observed.

Open Access

A growing number of funding agencies now stipulate that research articles they have funded must be made open-access. This may be either by mandating open-access deposits in repositories after an embargo period (Red open access) or by stipulating that research is immediately published in the open access option (Green open access).

Compliance through Open Access publication

At SINERGI, we help authors comply with funder requirements by offering Open Access options. Authors can make their articles open to access immediately via the Journal website. Where relevant, these open-access articles will also be automatically deposited and publicly available in third-party services subscribed by SINERGI

At SINERGI, we offer open access to our online publication, and to learn more about our licence options available, click here.

Compliance through self-archiving

SINERGI have flexible self-archiving policies and licence forms which detail the provisions made for deposition in repositories. Apart from the online archives, an alternative depository of all open-access published papers can be accessible from our partner, MyJournal, managed by the Malaysian Citation & Informetrics Centre (MIC). MIC is formerly known as the Malaysian Citation Centre  (MCC).

To learn more, click here. Due to our self-archiving policies, Green open access can fulfil some funder mandates. If requested and subject to further discussions with the UKM Press and the Editor-in-Chief's decision, we offer 12-month restrictive embargos (Red open access).

If funders request, authors with a funder mandate stipulating deposit in a repository after 12 months can communicate further with SINERGI to comply simply by publishing in a 12-month embargo journal. Any author whose funder mandates deposition in under 12 months must publish their paper under an open-access licence to meet their funder or funders' requirements.