Realising Accepted UPR Recommendations: Challenges and Realities in Malaysia's Commitment to Enforce Freedom of Expression
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Abstract: Malaysians were optimistic after the 14th General Election of 2018 (GE14) was concluded, as freedom of expression was expected to progress significantly under Pakatan Harapan (PH). It was hoped that the era of the “New Malaysia” would result in increased commitment toward realising accepted UPR recommendations. Unfortunately, Malaysia’s political climate has since experienced incidences of uncertainty and instability, which has seen three different Prime Ministers and yet another change in government administration since 2018. This has placed significant challenges on human rights reforms and impeded the process of democratisation. The objective of this study is to evaluate Malaysia’s enforcement of freedom of expression regarding the relevant UPR recommendations. It has identified certain improvements which should be supported and continued, as well as setbacks and restrictions which impede the implementation of fundamental liberties and pose added risks to the democratic rights of all Malaysians.
Keywords: human rights, human rights enforcement, freedom of expression, reform, Universal Periodic Review (UPR),
DOI: 10.17576/sinergi.SI1.2023.05
Article information: Submission date: 6 April 2021; Acceptance date: 13 November 2022; Publication date: 31 Mac 2023.
Declaration and acknowledgement: The corresponding author received a grant from the Centre for Human Rights Research & Advocacy (CENTHRA) which was registered under UPM (6300299) to conduct this research. The authors would also like to thank the other research members, Shahir Ab. Razak, Farah Mursyieda Mohammad Fuad and Mohd Firdaus Mohamed Khairi for their expertise, commitment, and assistance in executing this research successfully. We would also like to show our gratitude to SINERGI’s anonymous reviewers and their constructive feedback in improving the quality of the manuscript.
Abstrak: Rakyat Malaysia optimis pasca Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 2018 (PRU14), dengan jangkaan bahawa kebebasan bersuara akan berkembang dengan ketara di bawah Pakatan Harapan (PH). Era "Malaysia Baharu" diharap akan menghasilkan lebih banyak usaha ke arah merealisasikan cadangan Semakan Berkala Sejagat (UPR) yang diterima oleh kerajaan. Walau bagaimanapun, krisis politik di Malaysia telah menimbulkan keraguan dan ketidakstabilan apabila negara menyaksikan tiga Perdana Menteri yang berbeza dan satu lagi perubahan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan sejak 2018. Ini merupakan cabaran besar terhadap reformasi hak asasi manusia dan menghalang proses demokrasi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menilai penguatkuasaan kebebasan bersuara di Malaysia berhubung cadangan UPR yang berkaitan. Ia telah mengenal pasti penambahbaikan tertentu yang harus disokong dan diteruskan, serta sekatan yang menghalang pelaksanaan kebebasan asasi dan membawa risiko tambahan kepada hak demokrasi semua rakyat Malaysia.
Kata kunci: hak asasi manusia, pelaksanaan hak asasi manusia, kebebasan bersuara, reformasi, Semakan Berkala Sejagat (UPR),
DOI: 10.17576/sinergi.SI1.2023.05
Maklumat artikel: Tarikh Penghantaran: 6 April 2021; Tarikh penerimaan: 13 November 2022; Tarikh penerbitan: 31 Mac 2023.
Penghargaan dan pengisytiharan: Para penulis yang sama menerima geran daripada Pusat Penyelidikan & Advokasi Hak Asasi Manusia (CENTHRA) yang berdaftar di bawah UPM (6300299) untuk menjalankan penyelidikan ini. Penulis juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli penyelidik yang lain, Shahir Ab. Razak, Farah Mursyieda Mohammad Fuad dan Mohd Firdaus Mohamed Khairi atas kepakaran, komitmen dan bantuan mereka dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan ini dengan jayanya. Kami juga ingin menzahirkan rasa terima kasih kami kepada Pewasit Tanpanama, bebas dan sulit SINERGI beserta maklum balas membina mereka dalam meningkatkan kualiti manuskrip.
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