Peer Review Policy
The Editorial Board will review manuscripts, followed by a panel of referees. Comments will be made available to the contributors without disclosing the referees' names. The manuscript will be evaluated based on its appropriateness, contribution to the discipline, cogency of analysis, conceptual breadth, clarity of presentation, and technical adequacy. The author's identity is concealed from referees during the review process to ensure that manuscripts are evaluated solely on merit.
All submitted manuscripts to SINERGI are subject to initial appraisal by the Editorial Board. Suppose found suitable for further consideration, anonymous peer review by at least a double independent, anonymous expert in the field. The reviews' recommendations are taken into consideration by the editors when arriving at publication and revision decisions. Comments and feedback from double external reviewers are sent to the authors, who are notified of the journal's decision (accept, accept revisions, reject). The entire review process will be between 3 and 4 months after submitting the manuscript. All communications, review reports and decisions are always treated confidentially throughout the process. The Editors' decision is final.
To learn more about our peer review policy, click here
Original research articlesh notes, commentary articles and book reviews for regular and special issues will usually be processed and returned in four months or less. After submission of your manuscript, you should receive an e-mail acknowledgement. Our Editor-in-Chief and at least one of the Editorial Board Members will examine your manuscript. If the paper meets our initial standards, we will assign each paper to reviewers who we believe can offer constructive comments to the authors and a fair assessment regarding its publication potential to the editors.
The review process at SINERGI is double-anonymized. Authors will not be identified in the copies given to reviewers, and reviewers will not identify themselves in their reviews. We usually assign manuscripts to a few referees who will be asked to complete their reviews in about four weeks.
Authors will be sent copies of the referee reports via e-mail and a letter from the Editor-in-Chief in which the Editorial Team's decision is explained. Referees will also receive anonymous copies of their and other referees' comments and a copy of the Editorial decision letter with the author's name deleted.
Invitations to revise and resubmit manuscripts will only be given in instances when the Editors believe that there is a high probability that a revision in line with the reviews can be completed and the manuscript accepted for publication. Authors will be expected to complete their modifications in two months, though they may petition for an extension if necessary.
SINERGI has also implemented a replication and data archiving policy, requiring our analyst to replicate all quantitative analyses before publication. We also need the datasets and replication materials posted on our future database website. We recommend that qualitative studies also post materials essential to their interpretations on the same site though we do not require it. Please read the replication and data archiving policy in its entirety before submission.
SINERGI is increasing its use of social media to provide companion materials and increase exposure for our published papers. Authors may be contacted by the editorial team and asked to participate in such activities. Further, authors of accepted manuscripts will be asked to use social media to promote their published articles at SINERGI.
All new submissions to the SINERGI are automatically screened within the editorial system using Turnitin. Editors may also run a similarity report at any other point during the review process or post-publication. The default similarity report view (inside Turnitin) gives the percentage of the manuscript's text overlapping with one or more published articles.