Pelosi's Intoxication of Taiwan and Democrat's Flopped Performance in the US' Midterm Election
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Although traditionally, flopped performance of the Democrats in the US mid-term elections and Pelosi's failure to retain the majority of the house is expected, many analysts do not rule out the possibility of an increased significant connection between the development between the US election and events in the international politics. Therefore, it is highly likely for Taiwan to consider foreign policy options without US security protection in the face of China's threat under President Xi Jinping's third term is inevitable. This brief commentary provides views to answer some of the following questions; What is the most important international security lesson since the incident of Nancy Pelosi's visit as the former Leader of the United States (US) Congress to Taiwan last August 2022? How does the increasing tension in relations between Beijing and Washington foreshadow Taiwan's security future as it becomes increasingly dark and uncertain from the possible invasion of Mainland China?
Abstrak: Walaupun secara tradisinya, kemerosotan prestasi parti Demokrat dalam pilihanraya pertengahan penggal dan kegagalan Pelosi mengekalkan pemimpin majoriti Dewan Kongres AS sudah dijangka, ramai penganalisis tidak menolak kemungkinan perkaitan yang semakin ketara antara perkembangan politik domestik dan antarabangsa AS selaku antara perlaku terpenting dalam politik dunia. Komentar ringkas ini mengemukakan pandangan bagi menjawab beberapa persoalan berikut. Apakah pengajaran keselamatan antarangsa terpenting semenjak insiden lawatan Nancy Pelosi selaku Mantan Pemimpin Kongres Amerika Syarika (AS) ke Taiwan pada Ogos 2022 ysng lalu? Bagaimana peningkatan ketegangan hubungan semasa Beijing dan Washington membayangkan masa depan keselamatan semasa Taiwan semakin kelam dan tidak terjamin daripada kemungkinan penaklukan Tanah Besar China?Oleh yang demikian, kemungkinan tinggi Taiwan untuk memperdebatkan pilihan dasar luar tanpa perlindungan keselamatan AS dan demi menjamin kelangsungan negara itu dalam berhadapan ancaman China di bawah penggal ketiga Presiden Xi Jinping adalah suatu yang tidak dapat dielakkan lagi.
Kata Kunci: lawatan Pelosi ke Taiwan, hubungkait prestasi buruk Demokrat dalam pilihanraya Kongres AS dengan lawatan Pelosi, persaingan terbuka AS-China, konflik Selat Taiwan, peningkatan proses militerasasi China dalam krisis dengan Taiwan.
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