Migrants' Housing: Bridging Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals for Inclusive Communities in Malaysia
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Abstract: The United Nations issued the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in 1966. Both recognise the right to an acceptable living standard, which includes appropriate housing. Characteristics of sufficient housing include affordability, habitability, accessibility, location, cultural appropriateness, and access to resources such as services, materials, utilities, and infrastructure. However, housing and migrant settlement challenges have persisted in Malaysia due to a shortage of living space, poor government policies, and societal humiliation. This forces many migrants to live in crowded and unsafe conditions. Surprisingly, compared to other integration initiatives, little attention has been given to the housing component of the integration of regular migrants. This complacency and fragility affect both natives and migrants. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, provide important guiding concepts that support the right to an acceptable standard of life, which includes adequate housing.
Keywords: migrant's housing rights, human rights, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
DOI: 10.17576/sinergi.0301.2023.09
Article Information: Submission date: 21 December 2023; Acceptance date: 10 May 2023; Publication date: 31 July 2023.
Acknowledgement and Declaration: This study was supported by the Research Institute for Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore (UUM-ITS), Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia. We wish to take this opportunity to express our most profound appreciation to UUM-ITS for its continuous support and generosity. We would also like to express our gratitude to SINERGI’s anonymous reviewers and their constructive feedback in improving the quality of the manuscript.
Abstrak: Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat pada tahun 1948 dan Perjanjian Antarabangsa mengenai Hak Ekonomi, Sosial dan Budaya digagaskan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) pada tahun 1966. Kedua-duanya mengiktiraf hak untuk taraf hidup yang boleh diterima, termasuk perumahan yang sesuai. Ciri-ciri perumahan yang mencukupi termasuk keterjangkauan, kebolehdiaman, kebolehcapaian, lokasi, kesesuaian budaya dan akses kepada sumber seperti perkhidmatan, bahan, utiliti dan infrastruktur. Walau bagaimanapun, cabaran perumahan dan penempatan migran telah berterusan di Malaysia disebabkan oleh kekurangan ruang hidup, dasar kerajaan yang lemah, dan penghinaan masyarakat. Ini memaksa ramai pendatang tinggal dalam keadaan yang sesak dan tidak selamat. Anehnya, berbanding dengan inisiatif integrasi lain, sedikit perhatian telah diberikan kepada komponen perumahan integrasi pendatang biasa. Sikap berpuas hati dan kerapuhan ini memberi kesan kepada kedua-dua orang asli dan pendatang. 17 Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG), terutamanya SDG 11: Bandar dan Komuniti Mampan, menyediakan konsep panduan penting yang menyokong hak untuk mendapat taraf hidup yang boleh diterima, termasuk perumahan yang mencukupi.
Kata kunci: Perumahan migran di Malaysia, hak Asasi Manusia, Matlamat Pembangunan Mampan (SDG),
DOI: 10.17576/sinergi.0301.2023.09
Maklumat artikel: Tarikh Penghantaran: 21 Disember 2023; Tarikh penerimaan: 10 Mei 2023; Tarikh penerbitan: 31 Julai 2023.
Penghargaan dan pengisytiharan: Kajian ini disokong oleh Institut Penyelidikan untuk Indonesia, Thailand dan Singapura (UUM-ITS), Ghazali Shafie Graduate School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Kami ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada UUM-ITS atas sokongan dan kemurahan hati yang berterusan. Kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pengulas tanpa nama SINERGI dan maklum balas membina mereka dalam meningkatkan kualiti manuskrip.
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