Faktor China dalam Dasar Luar Indonesia

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Siti Suhaiza Senin


This study examines how China's rise has influenced Indonesia's foreign policy towards China, focusing on the historical shifts between tension and harmony in their relations. It aims to analyze the impact of China’s economic growth on Indonesia’s foreign policy through three main factors: systemic (China's economic rise), domestic (Indonesia’s economic and political interests), and individual (leadership roles). The study also evaluates the implications for Indonesia's economic continuity and political stability. Using a qualitative approach and applying foreign policy concepts with a three-level analysis framework, the study argues that systemic factors have reshaped the dynamics of Indonesia-China relations, strengthening China's influence in Southeast Asia. Despite perceiving China as a potential threat, domestic factors and Indonesia's leadership have facilitated a more harmonious relationship. This cooperation has supported Indonesia’s economic stability and political continuity, as well as contributed to broader regional stability in Southeast Asia.

Keywords: Level of analysis; Indonesian foreign policy; Indonesia-China relations; the rise of China


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How to Cite
Senin, S. S. (2024). Faktor China dalam Dasar Luar Indonesia. SINERGI : Journal of Strategic Studies & International Affairs, 4(2), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.17576/sinergi.0402.2024.02
Original Research Article
Author Biography

Siti Suhaiza Senin

Siti Suhaiza Senin memperolehi Ijazah Sarjana Muda dengan Kepujian (Hubungan Antarabangsa) dari Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) dan kemudiannya menyambung pelajaran di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Sains Sosial (Analisis Strategi dan Keselamatan) di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Kini berkhidmat sebagai pensyarah matapelaran pengajian umum di Kolej Perdana, Selangor. 



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